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BIOGEOMETRY (1999-2008)
The paintings of the series Biogeometry - stadies devoted to the relation of nature and men, to the influence they exert on each other - lie somewhere on the border between representationality and abstraction.
But of Baranyai, it is better not o speak of a strict geometry, since the basis of his conception is the poetic, yet still brutal distortion of this geometry.
(Zsolt Petrányi)
Dialogue from a bird's-eye view:
Here the Earth put on his striped suit.
There the artifical see eyes hide thick fish.
There again rolls the asfalt serpent.
The many benign ruins sleep like gold.
Was it geometry to take the arm of biology or exactly the other way round?
One things is certain: the hand of man must be involved - as he orders his plants into parallel lines, keeps his tame animals in fattening farms, and build up a culture, so it can fall apart. ​(Levente Baranyai)
EXHIBITED in Dovin Gallery, 1999 and 2004

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